Some people are data people ... and some are not.
Our certified data experts have decades of experience building data solutions
for B2B and B2G sales and marketing teams, citizens, staff, and government leaders,
and compliance and fraud management professionals.
We are data people.
Barbra Wysoske
Founder and Managing Partner
Barbra Wysoske is an award-winning data scientist of over 20 years with a proven approach to using data analytics, data visualization, and automated management reporting to operationalize an organization’s structured and unstructured data. She is a Certified Tableau Desktop Specialist and Certified Tableau Data Analyst with a wealth of experience in implementing risk management, fraud, and compliance methodology using Business Intelligence (BI) and data analytics.
Nicole Smith
Founder and Managing Partner
Nicole Smith is an expert in CRM design and development with skills in B2B sales processes and sales team management along with an in-depth knowledge of how state and local governments purchase goods, services, and IT. She has over a dozen years of experience building, testing, and CRM customization with a focus on reporting and data visualization to support leadership and end users. Nicole is a certified Salesforce Administrator and has delivered a variety of CRM systems for teams in a wide variety of industries.
Contact LLDA
LexLou Data Analytics is women-owned and Kentucky-proud.
Phone: (502) 209-9858